Thursday, April 30, 2009
Principles of Foundation Engineering By: Braja M. Das @ Rm90.00
Format: Hardcover
Braja M. Das' Fifth Edition of PRINCIPLES OF FOUNDATION ENGINEERING maintains the careful balance of current research and practical field applications that has made it the leading text in foundation engineering courses. Featuring a wealth of worked-out examples and figures that help students with theory and problem-solving skills, the book introduces civil engineering students to the fundamental concepts and application of foundation analysis design. Throughout, Das emphasizes the judgment needed to properly apply the theories and analysis to the evaluation of soils and foundation design as well as the need for field experience.
Soils and Foundations (6th Edition) By: Cheng Liu Jack Evett @ Rm100.00
Publisher: Prentice Hall - 2003-08-18
Hardcover | 6 Edition | 496 Pages
Written in a clear, direct style, this practical book introduces readers to the essentials of soil mechanics and foundations. Major emphasis is given to design and practical applications, which are supported by basic theory. KEY TOPICS Chapter topics cover formation of natural soil deposits, engineering properties of soils, soil exploration, soil compaction and stabilization, water in soil, stress distribution in soil, consolidation of soil and settlement of structures, shear strength of soil, shallow foundations, pile foundations, drilled shaft foundations, lateral earth pressure, retaining structures, and stability analysis of slopes. For civil engineers, civil engineering technologists, and geotechnical engineers.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Reclamation and Ground Improvement By: Bo Myint-Win and Victor Choa @ Rm80.00
Publisher: Cengage Learning - 2004-06-30
Hardcover | 1st Edition | 428 Pages
Written by authors with years of teaching, research and project experience in reclamation and ground improvement, this book illustrates both theoretical and practical aspects in the design of reclamation and ground improvement works.
It covers not only improvement of soft natural soil but also densification of granular fill material. Methods of reclamation, site and equipment selection and construction procedure of shore protection works are also described in this comprehensive book. Additionally, site investigation and characterization required for reclamation and ground improvement projects are explained extensively.
This book is an invaluable resource for academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and practicing engineers. It is also a useful guide for contractors and consultants who are implementing reclamation and ground improvement projects involving prefabricated vertical drain and deep sand
Robots and Manufacturing Automation By: C. Ray Asfahl @ rm80.00
Publisher: Wiley - 1992-01-03
Hardcover | 2 Edition | 512 Pages
Surveys the wide spectrum of automated systems available to improve manufacturing productivity including robots, numerical control machines, programmable controllers, computer controllers and microprocessor-based automated systems. Completely updated, it features industry case studies, revised and expanded problem sections and new material on product design, CAD, Karnaugh Maps and CIM.
Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Systems, Applications By: Saeed B. Niku @ Rm60.00
Publisher: Prentice Hall - 2001-07-30
Paperback | 349 Pages
For one-semester, senior-level undergraduate/first-year graduate courses in Robotics. This text serves as an introduction to robotics analysis: the systems and sub-systems that constitute robots and robotic systems, and robotics applications. As such, it covers all the fundamentals, including kinematics, kinetics and force control, and trajectory planning of robots; it covers sub-systems such as actuators, sensors, and vision systems; and it covers robotics applications. Introduction to Robotics also includes topics related to mechatronics, microprocessor actuator control, integration of sensors, vision systems, and fuzzy logic.
Machines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis By: David H. Myszka @ RM100.00
Publisher: Prentice Hall - 2001-05-23
Hardcover | 2 Edition | 516 Pages
For courses in Mechanism Design and Kinematics in Departments of Engineering Technology. This up-to-date text responds to the overwhelming need for an introduction to kinematic analysis that uses actual machines and mechanisms. It provides the techniques necessary to study the motion of machines while emphasizing the application of kinematic theories to real-world problems.
Robot Programming : A Practical Guide to Behavior-Based Robotics By: Joe Jones Daniel Roth @ Rm70.00
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics - 2003-12-12
Format: Paperback
* Teaches the concepts of behavior-based programming through text, programming examples, and a unique online simulator robot
* Explains how to design new behaviors by manipulating old ones and adjusting programming
* Does not assume reader familiarity with robotics or programming languages
* Includes a section on designing your own behavior-based system from scratch
Monday, April 20, 2009
Managerial Economics in a Global Economy with Economic Applications Card By: Dominick Salvatore @ Rm80.00
ISBN-10: 0324171870 ISBN-13: 9780324171877
Publisher: South-Western College Pub - 2003-05-22
Format: Hardcover
For the most part I like Salvatore’s text. I think this is one of the better managerial economics textbooks in circulation. I think the writing is lucid and the presentation is great. The author presents the material in an easily accessible manner. I think the writing flows smoothly, and the students do not have much difficulty in absorbing the material presented. The examples and the case studies are well chosen. I have used the text both at the advanced undergraduate as well as the MBA level and I think the students like the style of writing and the presentation. The themes stated in the preface are quite commensurate with my teaching philosophy.
The number of case studies is certainly impressive, and they provide nice examples of the theory.
Managerial Economics in a Global Economy by Dominick Salvatore, fourth edition, is definitely one of the top contenders in this field. As is evident from his other texts on micro theory and international economics, in his Managerial text, Professor Salvatore has succeeded in negotiating the often fine line between accessibility, rigor, and comprehensiveness. The result is a text that scores very high in readability, rigor, and coverage. He deserves much credit, and our applause, for integrating international topics that give the students the added benefit of insights into global management education. I strongly recommend this book for senior-level or MBA programs.
Product Description
Managerial Economics in a Global, 5e uses the theory of the firm as the unifying theme to examine the managerial decision process. Reflecting the internationalization of tastes, production, and distribution in today’s globalizing world, the book integrates a fully global view into managerial economics. It introduces many exciting new topics and managerial tools into the study of managerial economics — topics not fully addressed in other texts — such as firm architecture, strategic behavior, business ethics, electronic commerce, risk management, international economies of scale, the virtual corporation, re-engineering, benchmarking, the learning organization, and the digital factory. In addition, the book illustrates how managerial decisions are actually made, with more relevant and interesting real-world case applications and integrative case studies than any other text on the market.
Managerial Economics: Analysis, Problems, Cases By: Lila J. Truett @ Rm90.00
ISBN-10: 0471452238 ISBN-13: 9780471452232
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons - 2004-01
Hardcover | 8th Edition | 742 Pages
This text takes a traditional neo-classical approach to managerial economics. It is a proven book with a reputation for concise and clear writing, correct presentation of economics, outstanding end-of-chapter problems and cases. Its tried-and-true problem-solving approach helps the reader see how managers can use economic analysis to solve business problems and make better decisions.
Managerial Economics and Business Strategy By: Baye @ Rm60.00
Paperback: 578 pages
Publisher: Higher Education; 4th Ed edition (2003)
ISBN-10: 0071151397
ISBN-13: 978-0071151399
This book provides an excellent background for learning applied managerial economics. Mr. Baye uses interesting real-world examples, which is difficult when writing about the entirely hypothetical world of micro-economics. I felt that the section on Game Theory was especially useful in explaining real world market paricipant behavior in pricing decisions. Overall, I would highly recommend this book for both students of economics, as well as those non-students seeking a weekend of light reading in the topic of economics.
Managerial Economics: Economic Tools for Today's Decision Makers Paul G Keat Philip K Y Young @ Rm90.00
Paperback: 765 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education; 4 edition (11 Sep 2002)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0131105396
For upper-level undergraduate and first year MBA courses in Managerial Economics in departments of Economics and Finance.
This text features a running case study that explores the decision-making processes of managers within Global Foods, a hypothetical company. It creates a vivid, dynamic business setting that highlights microeconomic theory and the tools of quantitative analysis used in management decision-making. In addition, actual business examples from the popular press—including numerous international examples—are incorporated into the chapters to reinforce the connection between economics and real business situations.
Principles of Microeconomics Author: Karl E Case Ray C Fair @ Rm80.00
Paperback: 528 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education; 8 edition (13 Mar 2008)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0131563890
Case & Fair, present a very precise and simplified microeconomic model first, before introducing all the exceptions and subtleties of a more complex economic world. Only after this simplified model is developed, do the authors give a thorough treatment of market imperfections, externalities, public finance, and international economics. (A detailed summary of this approach can be found on the page directly following the inside front cover).
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Principles of Macroeconomics By: Joseph G. Nellis David Parker @ Rm130.00
Publisher: Financal Times Management - 2004-12-30
Paperback | illustrated edition Edition | 488 Pages
Principles of Macroeconomics is an invaluable reference source for MBA students and managers, whether on a short course or as a reference work for the bookshelf, and is an ideal summary for undergraduates and postgraduates on a short introductory course, and for aspiring managers wishing to improve their knowledge and skills. The aim of this book is to provide a clear and concise picture of the way in which an economy works and why different governments adopt different economic policies. This book gives managers an understanding of the economic interrelationships and their impact on business and teaches how to reach sound business decisions in a dynamic economy. This book will help managers understand the impact of economics on business.
International Economics: Theory and Policy Paul R Krugman Maurice Obstfeld @ Rm100.00
Paperback: 712 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education; 7 edition (23 Feb 2006)
Language English
Trade, Labor and the Environment", supplement to "American Trade Politics" by I.M. Destler and Peter J. Balint, shows how trade advocates and labor and environmental skeptics differ significantly in both their substantive views and their political and organizational cultures. The authors demonstrate how this new challenge differs from that of traditional trade protectionism, likening it instead to the debate a century ago over whether and how to regulate American capitalism for social purposes. The analysis leads to a set of recommendations aimed at constructive compromise and a new political foundation for US trade policy leadership.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Economics By: Mcconnell @ Rm70.00
Personnel Economics for Managers By: Edward P. Lazear @ RM80.00
Publisher: Wiley - 1997-06
Hardcover | 529 Pages
info:* How do you recruit the best employees?
* How does a firm go about downsizing?
* How important is money relative to other factors?
* How and when should evaluations be conducted?
* How should stock options be structured to maximize incentives? How are training and turnover linked?
* Should you reward good performance or penalize bad performance?
In this new book, Personnel Economics for Managers, Professor Lazear answers these and many other personnel management questions. His unique approach, using economics to explore human resource topics, builds human resource systems as an entire structure with no one department independent of another. After reading this book, you will finally have a detailed analysis in a field that has traditionally lacked the resources to back up theories and statements.
Marketing: Best Practices By: K. Douglas Hoffman Michael R. Czinkota Peter R. Dickson Patrick Dunne Abbie Griffin @ Rm100.00
Publisher: South-Western College Pub - 2002-07-09
Hardcover | 2nd Edition | 650 Pages
Seventeen experts, one voice! The premise behind Marketing: Best Practices is simple yet effective: combine the expertise of the best and brightest in marketing. The second edition continues the tradition of highlighting the best practices from every facet of marketing. Each chapter is written by an authority in their field of marketing, all of whom are highly regarded for both academic and professional achievements. This unique collaboration results in one of the most cutting-edge texts to hit the principles market in years.Dr. Doug Hoffman, in addition to his chapter on Services Marketing, served as managing editor to ensure a focused and streamlined presentation throughout the book. Without losing the distinct flavor of each contributing author, every chapter is consistent in both format and pedagogy. The writing style is uniform and targeted for the undergraduate level. Cutting-edge topics drive the Opening Vignettes, and the copy maintains a lively, energetic tone. The end result is a solid mix of passion, insight, and firsthand experience not typically found in more traditional "Principles of Marketing" textbooks.
Principles of Marketing By: Philip Kotler Gary Armstrong @ Rm60.00
Publisher: Prentice Hall - 2003-03-03
Hardcover | 10th Edition | 768 Pages
For the Principles of Marketing course. Ranked the #1 selling introductory marketing text, Kotler and Armstrong's Principles of Marketing provides an authoritative and practical introduction to marketing. The Tenth Edition is organized around a managing customer relationships framework that is introduced in the first two chapters, and then built upon throughout the book. Real world applications appear in every chapter and every vignette is new or has been updated. The text is complemented by an extensive ancillary package, from all new videos on VHS, online, and DVD to a new Presentation Manager CD-ROM for instructors.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Marketing By: Roger A. Kerin(Editor) @Rm70.00
ISBN-10: 0071151222 ISBN-13: 9780071151221
Publisher: Irwin/McGraw-Hill - 2003-06
Hardcover | 7th Edition | 741 Pages
This book continues a tradition of leading the market with contemporary, cutting-edge content presented in a conversational student-oriented style, supported by the most comprehensive, innovative, and useful supplement package available. This text and package is designed to meet the needs of a wide spectrum of faculty, whether the professor just wants a good textbook and a few key supplements or needs a top-notch fully integrated multimedia program.
Marketing Principles and Best Practices By: K. Hoffman Michael R. Czinkota @ Rm80.00
ISBN-10: 0324225180 ISBN-13: 9780324225181
Publisher: South-Western, Div of Thomson Learning - 2004-01-05
Paperback | International Ed Edition | 640 Pages
Voice of the Expert! MARKETING PRINCIPLES AND BEST PRACTICES, 3rd Edition combines the expertise of the best teachers and most accomplished scholars in marketing. These experts have collaborated in writing a leading-edge, contemporary principles of marketing textbook. Each chapter explains and illustrates the best practices from every facet of marketing and is written by an authority in that field.
Marketing: An Introduction Gary Armstrong Philip Kotler @ Rm70.00
Paperback: 720 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education; 7 edition (25 Mar 2004)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0131273124
ISBN-13: 978-0131273122a
Marketing: An Introduction, 7e, helps students master modern marketing principles and practices. Written by today's best-selling marketing author team, this paperback text has a manageable 16 chapter organization and builds on the unprecedented success of its sixth edition by placing customer value in the driver's seat. An organizing customer value framework introduced in the first chapter sets the stage. All new video cases, new presentation resources, a new Driver's Manual student study guide, and OneKey all-in-one website for students and instructors are just a few reasons why this is the most contemporary marketing textbook.
Introduction to Marketing By: Susan J. Dann Stephen Dann @ Rm120.00
ISBN-10: 047080064X ISBN-13: 9780470800645
Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons,
Incorporated - September 2003
Introduction to Marketing is written primarily for first-year undergraduates and delivers an introduction to marketing without overlapping significantly into strategic management or expecting a range of prior industry experience.
The text is designed around three functional points:
Readability ? the test focuses on contemporary events in marketing and is written in a style tailored to the needs of first-year university students.
Portability ? the text is designed to be a succinct overview of the fundamental principles of marketing that can realistically be carried as a reference book during marketing study.
Credibility ? the credibility of the text is established through the integration of hard-core marketing theory and contemporary business practice, and through the use of an objective written style.
- Key concepts are highlighted throughout the text.
- The chapters include the following vignettes: Global Perspectives., Ethics and Marketing, SME Marketing, Business Practices and Entrepreneurial Focus.
- In addition to the vignettes, the chapters include examples of real-world companies applying the theory discussed in the text.
- There is a wealth of end-of-chapter self-testing material including review questions, application questions, discussion questions and a Contemporary Issues case study.
- The accompanying CD features a running case study of Eagle Boys Pizza that relates back to the content in each chapter.
Marketing Research By: David A. Aaker V. Kumar George S. Day @ Rm80.00
ISBN-10: 0471451681 ISBN-13: 9780471451686
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc - 2003-11-25
Hardcover | 8th Edition | 800 Pages
This text takes a "macro-micro-macro" approach toward communicating the intricacies of marketing research and its usefulness to the marketing organization. The book begins with a macro-level treatment of what marketing research is, where it fits within an organization, and how it helps in managerial decision-making. The body of the text takes a micro-level approach, detailing each step of the marketing research process using a decision-oriented perspective. The authors wrap up with a macro-level treatment of the applications of marketing research. As with previous editions, the text provides thorough coverage of the most advanced and current marketing research methodologies, point out their limitations, as well their potential for enhancing research results.
Marketing Management (International Edition) Philip Kotler @ Rm80.00
Paperback: 768 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education; 11 edition (30 May 2002)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0130497150
ISBN-13: 978-0130497154
Professors and professionals tell us time and again that when it comes to today's complex marketing environment, no one in this field has stayed on top of the changes, been able to interpret, clarify, and put them into perspective like Philip Kotler. The Eleventh Edition of this #1 selling marketing management textbook features up-to-date coverage and hundreds of new cases, as well as an overall emphasis on these four themes: Customer Relationship Management, Technology/Internet Revolution, Brand Building, and Global Marketing.
Sports Marketing: A Strategic Perspective (2nd Edition) By: Matthew D. Shank @ Rm60.00
ISBN-10: 0130407917 ISBN-13: 9780130407917
Publisher: Prentice Hall - 2001-07-08
Hardcover | 2 Edition | 640 Pages
For courses in Sports Marketing, offered in the College of Business, or in Sports Administration programs. Sports Marketing takes a strategic business perspective. Organized around a framework of the strategic marketing process that can be applied to the sports industry, this text provides an appreciation for the growing popularity of women's sports and the globalization of sport. This edition includes a running case throughout the text using the XFL; up-to-date examples and research; and extensive interviews with sports marketing practitioners.
Strategic Marketing in the Customer Driven Organization By: Frank Bradley @ RM60.00
Publisher: Wiley - 2003-06-09
Paperback | 2nd Edition | 304 Pages
Marketing is the function within an organization that focuses directly on the customer. Strategic Marketing in the Customer Driven Organization places a unique emphasis on the reason for the existence of the firm -- to provide, communicate and deliver value to the customer. Through the use of many international examples, the book demonstrates how providing the real needs of customers more effectively than the competition is the key to long term strategic success.
"This is not your typical marketing book. It provides the reader with real life business situations, where gathering information is key ? not just on the marketplace but specific information about your customers and building it in to practical marketing response programs. As the President of a company who prides itself on building and nurturing strong customer relationships I would recommend this as a ?must read?" Dr Pearse Lyons, President , Alltech Inc.
"Frank Bradley?s new book takes as its point of departure his well-established core marketing concepts (understand, provide, communicate and deliver value) and puts them to use as the foundation for this compact, concise and very readable text." Professor Susan Hart, Head of Department of Marketing University of Strathclyde
Strategic Marketing in the Customer Driven Organization has been written for students of general marketing, marketing management and strategic marketing for advanced undergraduate and MBA courses. It is also especially suited to executive education programmes and managers wishing to integrate experiential learning within an intellectual framework.By:Miguel
Streetwise Direct Marketing: How to Use the Internet, Direct Mail, and Other Media to Generate Direct Sales By: George Duncan @ Rm70.00
ISBN-10: 1580624391 ISBN-13: 9781580624398
Publisher: Adams Media Corporation - 2001-03
Format: Paperback
The internet section of this book is not at all useful. The techniques are very outdated. For instance, he describes (not in great enough detail to help at all) how to make ad banners. Any marketer with any sense knows that ad banners don't work like they used to. People ignore them, completely. He doesn't give any information about writing copy, or how to approach direct marketing on the internet. He does, however, have lots of "useful" information on how to "get started", none of which is really useful, since it is all common knowledge. If you've never been on the web before and haven't a clue about business or direct marketing, this book is for you. He gives a great introduction to the web. For anyone with even a bit of knowledge, your way ahead of him.
Financial Management and Policy James C Van Horne @ Rm110.00
Paperback: 832 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education; 12 edition (6 Nov 2002)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0130615056
ISBN-13: 978-0130615053
Highly respected for its effective integration of financial theory and practice, this classic text explores the rapidly evolving and exciting theory of finance as it relates to a corporation's investment in assets, financing, and dividends. It explains the ways in which analytical techniques are brought to bear on financial decision making and supplies the institutional material necessary for a solid understanding of the environment in which financial decisions are made.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Financial Management and Policy Author: James C Van Horne @ Rm90.00
Paperback: 800 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education; 11 edition (2 Sep 1997)
Language English
Highly respected for its effective integration of financial theory and practice, this classic text explores the rapidly evolving and exciting theory of finance as it relates to a corporation's investment in assets, financing, and dividends, explains the ways in which analytical techniques are brought to bear on financial decision making, and supplies the institutional material necessary for a solid understanding of the environment in which financial decisions are made.
Financial Management 101: Get a Grip on Your Accounting Numbers @Rm90.00
Publisher: Self-Counsel Press - 2003-10
Paperback | 160 Pages
Financial Management 101 is an in-depth but easy-to-read guide on business planning. It's a kick-start course for new entrepreneurs and a wake-up call for struggling small-business owners. This book covers business planning from understanding financial statements to budgeting for advertising. Angie Mohr's easy-to-understand approach to small business planning and management ensures that the money coming in is always greater than the money going out!
Finance for Non-financial Managers (Accounting Textbooks) By: A.H. Millichamp @ Rm50.00
Publisher: Thomson Learning - 1997-06-26
Paperback | 3rd Edition | 470 Pages
ISBN-10: 1858053048 ISBN-13: 9781858053042
Suitable especially for courses on which students are encouraged to be active participants in the learning process, this text offers a practical and activity-based approach to understanding finance for people who do not need to know the technicalities of finance and accounting. Typical of the courses on which it can be used are DMS, MBA, BTEC HNC/D, Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance, and Business Studies degree-course modules in finance. This revised edition has more material on service industries, the not-for-profit sector, and education and health services. There is also coverage of the Cadbury and Greenbury codes, and more exercises and assignments. The case-study approach enables students to understand the solutions as they apply to a real business, rather than just a text-book answer, and the book can be used for a multitude of purposes, depending upon teaching time, structure and, preparation time.
Financial Institutions and Markets By: Meir Kohn @ Rm50.00
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA - 2003-07-03
Hardcover | 2 Edition | 704 Pages
Financial Institutions and Markets, 2/e emphasizes a functional focus on financial intermediaries and markets such as government securities, mortgage, corporate debt, equity markets, derivatives, and market microstructure. Chapters cover liquidity and risk, regulation, and developing financial systems.
Corporate Financial Management Douglas R Emery John D Finnerty John D Stowe @ RM80.00
Paperback: 960 pages
Publisher: Pearson Education; 2 edition (17 Jun 2004)
Language English
The authors different points of view offers students the benefits of a researcher, a practitioner, and an effective classroom instructor and, thus, is designed to help students develop financial intuition and make better decisions. It modernizes the teaching of finance by integrating the major developments made in finance in the last twenty years, such as options, agency theory and new research about the impact of asymmetric information. The organization weaves new material into the numerous examples and the traditional presentations. This edition reflects changes within the corporate world and the issues students encounter today.
by:miguelSaturday, April 4, 2009
Risk Management By: Emmett J. Vaughan @ rm60.00
Hardcover | 1 Edition | 832 Pages
Global Marketing Management By: Masaaki Kotabe @ Rm60.00
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons - 2004-01
Hardcover | 3rd International edition Edition | 694 Pages
The ultimate objective of this book is to help readers prepare for the 21st Century and become an effective manager overseeing global marketing activities in an increasingly competitive environment. Rather than being bound by the traditional bilateral (international) view of competition and marketing, Kotabe and Helsen emphasize the multilateral (global) nature of marketing. This global approach also presents marketing in a cross- functional approach to the business operation. Global orientation- This book takes the view that the term, "global" epitomizes the competitive pressure and market opportunities from around the world and the firm's need to optimize its market performance on a global basis. Proactive Orientation- Presents a balanced approach between an outside/in and inside/out marketing perspective.
Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance (Management Accounting) By: Leslie G. Eldenburg Susan K. Wolcott @ RM60.00
Publisher: Wiley - 2004-11-19
Hardcover | 1 Edition | 752 Pages
Cost Management" was written in response to changes in the global business environment. Unbridled access to information and intense competition has meant that cost accounting has become an increasingly important tool for managers and accountants alike. Most textbooks focus on content knowledge and then expect students to 'magically' demonstrate skills such as decision-making and critical thinking. "Cost Management" better prepares students for professional success by bridging the gaps between Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. Many students fail to recognize the assumptions, limitations, behavioral implications and qualitative factors that influence managerial decision-making. The dynamic, new author team focuses on cost accounting methods, techniques and the quality of cost accounting information used for decision-making to deliver a thoroughly modern treatment of cost accounting topics.
Managing Human Resources (International Edition) By: Luis R. Gomez-Mejia David B. Balkin Robert L. Cardy @ Rm60.00
Publisher: Pearson - 2004
Paperback | Fourth Edition
The #1 textbook on the market, MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES covers all aspects of human resource management and its impact on both individuals and organizations. The text builds on a foundation of research and theory but also provides a practical framework focusing on critical issues and successful practices. Users and reviewers of the text praise its pleasant writing style, user-friendly design, and highly effective examples that provide meaningful insight into the world of HR. In fact, over 500 different organizations from a variety of settings are used as examples to illustrate key points and make the connection to HR practice. Important issues and critical trends are spotlighted in each chapter and reflected in the comprehensive and chapter ending cases included in the text. Managing Human Resources' balance of theory and practice, hands-on activities, applications, and examples helps students develop the competencies to understand and help their organizations create a sustainable competitive advantage through people.
Strategic Human Resource Management By: Jeffrey A. Mello @ Rm80.00
Publisher: South-Western College Pub - 2001-03-26
Hardcover | 1 Edition | 496 Pages
This strategic HR text is organized into two sections. The first section, Chapters 1-7, examines the context of strategic HR and develops a framework and conceptual model for the practice of strategic HR. The second section, Chapters 8-14, examines the actual practice and implementation of strategic HR through a discussion of strategic issues that need to be addressed while developing specific programs and policies related to the traditional functional areas of HR (staffing, training, performance management, etc.). The integrative framework that requires linkage between, consistency among these functional HR activities, and the approach toward writing about these traditional functional areas from a strategic perspective distinguish the text from what is currently on the market.
Human Resource Management : A Guide to Personnel Practice in the Hotel and Catering Industry By: Michael Riley @ Rm90.00
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann - 1996-12-01
Paperback | 2nd Edition | 264 Pages
This fully updated and expanded second edition of Human Resource Management examines the role of human resource management in the hospitality and tourism industry. The subject is approached from four perspectives: * the social psychology of managing people * the economics of labour * the practical techniques * strategy.
The author argues that labour costs, labour utilisation, labour market behaviour and pay are inseparable from the skills of managing people. The book contains an important analysis of the labour market for this industry and now, in its second edition includes, among others, chapters on attitude measurement, customer-employee relations, questionnaire design and organizational change.
Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry is written in a clear, user-friendly style and offers a challenging view of the subject and an opportunity to learn an important aspect of management in an applied context. It is appropriate for degree level students and practitioners in the industry.
Fully updated and expanded second edition of Human Resource Management
Written in a clear, user-friendly style
Offers a challenging view of the subject and an opportunity to learn an important aspect of management in an applied context
Human Resources Management for Hospitality By: Mary Tanke @ Rm90.00
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning - 2000-07-06
Hardcover | 2 Edition | 464 Pages
"Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry, 2E" addresses the wide spectrum of human resource issues in the hospitality industry. It has been revised to reflect changes in human resource management over the past five years, and to prepare students for the challenges of managing a diverse workforce in an ever-changing environment. New discussions cover today's hot topics and include case studies to illustrate effective management styles. Changes in legal restrictions and legislation have been accounted for, including consideration of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The text uses performance objectives to outline the major concepts form each chapter; discussion questions and case problems reinforce learning.
Human Resource Management By: Jyothi Venkatesh @ RM70.00
ISBN-10: 0195676947 ISBN-13: 9780195676945
Publisher: OUP India - 2006-02-23
Paperback | 624 Pages
"Human Resource Management" is a comprehensive textbook that is specially designed to meet the needs of students pursuing a Master's in Business Administration/ Postgraduate Diploma in Management. Users will find this book highly useful for its coverage of the role of the knowledge worker and the human resources manager, the impact of globalization on human resource practices, career management and development, the interplay of perspectives on industrial relations and human resource management, and human resource accounting and audit procedures. Caselets, tables, flow charts, and diagrams are provided throughout the text.
Business in Asia-Pacific: Text and Cases By: Sonia El Kahal
Friday, April 3, 2009
Business and Society: Corporate Strategy,Public Policy and Ethics By: James E. Post Anne T. Lawrence James Weber @ Rm100.00
Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill College - 2001-07-20
Hardcover | 10th Edition | 656 Pages
Business and Society: Corporate Strategy, Public Policy and Ethics, by Post, Lawrence and Weber was the first book to be published in the field of business and society and is the market leader! For over thirty years, Business and Society has been updated and reinvented in response to society's relationship to business. Post, Lawrence and Weber discuss the social and ethical impacts of business. Business and Society, 10e highlights why government regulation is sometimes required as well as new models of business-community collaboration. Business and Society, 10e is a book with a point of view. Post, Lawrence and Weber believe that businesses have social (as well as economic) responsibilities to society; that business and government both have important roles to play in the modern economy; and that ethics and integrity are essential to personal fulfillment and to business success.
Business Ethics: Mistakes and Successes By: Robert F. Hartley @ Rm60.00
Publisher: Wiley - 2004-10-04
Paperback | 368 Pages
In today's business climate, firms need to be wary of practices that may provoke criticism and scandals. Investigative reporters, eager lawyers, and zealous governmental agencies are lurking in the wings. These lessons of the past give you an inside look at some of the biggest mistakes of recent history. You can ponder not only how they might have been avoided, but also how their resolution might have been better handled. Robert Hartley, author of the popular Marketing and Management Mistakes and Successes books, brings you face-to-face with major players and the temptations, crises, and torments they experienced. Thought-provoking discussion questions, role-playing exercises, and debates present you with key ethical concerns that may help you avoid similar situations in your own career.
Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How to Do it Right By: Linda K. Treviño Katherine A. Nelson @ Rm60.00
Publisher: Wiley - 2003-07-15
Paperback | 3 Edition | 384 Pages
Offering a highly realistic, down-to-earth look at ethics in the workplace, Linda K. Treviño and Katherine A. Nelson's Managing Business Ethics will help you identify and solve ethical dilemmas, understand why people behave and the way they do, and promote ethical behavior in your organization. The text moves beyond the scope of prescriptive individual ethical decision making to examinie how managers and organizations influence ethical decision making and behavior. Throughout, the emphasis is on common, real-life work situations, including hiring, managing, assessing performance, disciplining, firing, and providing incentives for staff, as well as producing quality products and services and dealing effectively and fairly with customers, vendors, and other stakeholders.
Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporations By: Richard Schroeder Richard Schroeder @ Rm35.00
Publisher: Doubleday Business - 1999-12-28
Hardcover | 1 Edition | 320 Pages
book information:
The extraordinary breakthrough management program--heralded by GE, Motorola, and AlliedSignal--that is sweeping corporate America with its unprecedented ability to achieve superior financial results.
Six Sigma is the most powerful breakthrough management tool ever devised, promising increased market share, cost reductions, and dramatic improvements in bottom-line profitability for companies of any size. The darling of Wall Street, it has become the mantra of Fortune 500 boardrooms around the world because it works.
What is Six Sigma? It is first and foremost a business process that enables companies to increase profits dramatically by streamlining operations, improving quality, and eliminating defects or mistakes in everything a company does, from filling out purchase orders to manufacturing airplane engines. While traditional quality programs have focused on detecting and correcting defects, Six Sigma encompasses something broader: It provides specific methods to re-create the process itself so that defects are never produced in the first place.
Most companies operate at a three- to four-sigma level, where the cost of defects is roughly 20 to 30 percent of revenues. By approaching Six Sigma--fewer than one defect per 3.4 million opportunities--the cost of quality drops to less than 1 percent of sales.
This is because the highest quality also results in the lowest costs. When GE reduced its costs from 20 percent to less than 10 percent, it saved a billion dollars in just two years--money that goes directly to the bottom line. This is the reason Wall Street and corporations as diverse as Sony, Ford, Nokia, Texas Instruments, Canon, Hitachi, Lockheed Martin, American Express, Toshiba, DuPont, and Polaroid have embarked on corporate-wide Six Sigma programs.
Six Sigma should be of paramount importance to every forward-thinking executive and manager determined to make their company world-class in their industry.
Mikel Harry and Richard Schroeder think they've figured out a management program that really works. While at Motorola in the 1980s, they helped pioneer Six Sigma, a process that "guides companies into making fewer mistakes in everything they do--from filling out a purchase order to manufacturing airplane engines." Since then, the two have left Motorola and have turned Six Sigma into a lucrative business that saw over $100 million in consulting contracts in 1998. And now the book.
In Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporations, Harry and Schroeder explain Six Sigma and show how it's working at companies such as General Electric, Polaroid, and Allied Signal. The authors contend that most companies today are working at a "sigma" level of between 3.5 and 4, and that with just a one-sigma shift, companies will experience "a 20 percent margin improvement, a 12 to 18 percent increase in capacity, a 12 percent reduction in the number of employees," as well as "a 10 to 30 percent capital reduction." Sigma is a quality metric that counts the number of defects per million opportunities (DPMO). For example, a sigma level of 3.5 means that a process has 22,700 DPMO; a sigma level of 4.5, 1,350 DPMO; and a perfect six sigma, 3 DPMO.
At the heart of Six Sigma is the notion that quality saves money--lots of money. Harry and Schroeder argue that for most companies "the cost of quality is roughly 25 to 40 percent of sales revenue ... at six sigma the cost of quality declines to less than one percent of sales revenue." The idea is not to create quality-assurance programs but to eliminate the need for them altogether. When a company is operating at six sigma, costs that would otherwise go to inspection, rework, warranties, and customer service drop to the bottom line. Six Sigma is a compelling concept that many companies have tied their futures to. Well written, this book is a great introduction for investors, managers, and anyone who sees Six Sigma on the horizon. --Harry C. EdwardsBy:miguel
Six Sigma for Managers By: Greg Brue @ Rm40.00
Publisher: McGraw-Hill - 2002-03-27
Paperback | 1 Edition | 180 Pages
Book information:
Now translated into nine languages! This reader-friendly, icon-rich series is must reading for all managers at every level.
All managers, whether brand new to their positions or well established in the corporate hierarchy, can use a little "brushing up" now and then. The skills-based Briefcase Books series is filled with ideas and strategies to help managers become more capable, efficient, effective, and valuable to their corporations.
Six Sigmaone of the hottest topics in today's manufacturing circlesis a statistical concept that characterizes nearly zero defects in any process. But its successful implementation involves a whole new set of management practices. Six Sigma for Managers will help managers better understand this concept and how to facilitate the learning, cooperation, skills improvement, and commitment required to make Six Sigma processes a reality in any organization.By:mig