Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Communication Systems by Simon Haykin @ Rm70.00

Publisher: Wiley - 2000-05-15
Hardcover | 4th Edition | 816 Pages

Book Information:
This best-selling, easy to read, communication systems book has been extensively revised to include an exhaustive treatment of digital communications. Throughout, it emphasizes the statistical underpinnings of communication theory in a complete and detailed manner.


Macromedia Authorware 6: Training from the Source by Orson Kellog @ Rm50.00

Publisher: Macromedia Press - 2001-12-28
Paperback | 568 Pages

Book Information:

Macromedia Authorware's accessible, icon-based development environmentmakes it a favorite of developers who create sophisticated interactiveprojects, from multimedia presentations to computer-based trainingprograms. Whether you're new to Authorware or upgrading from a previousversion, Macromedia Authorware 6: Training from the Source providesexactly what the title promises: project-based lessons modeled onMacromedia's own training courses.

With Macromedia Authorware 6: Training from the Source, you learnthe basics of Authorware by doing. The hands-on tutorials that form thecore of this workbook and CD-ROM package take you step-by-step throughreal-world interactive projects. Each lesson covers a specific topic, suchas adding motion and sound to your project, working with templates andknowledge objects, and incorporating Flash and XML into your projects. Thisedition of the book covers what's new in Authorware 6, including the "onebutton publishing" feature. The CD-ROM holds all the files you need to workthrough the lessons, plus a full-featured, time-limited version ofAuthorware 6.


Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy By: Efraim Turban @ Rm60.00

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons - 2004-09-03
Paperback | 4th Edition, International Edition Edition | 784 Pages

Book Information:
A practical, managerial-oriented approach that shows how IT is used in organizations to improve quality and productivity
Case studies highlight new technology and applications, including fuzzy logic, neural computing, and hypermedia
Contains a variety of cases that emphasize problems many corporations encounter
Features international cases, illustrating how IT can be adapted to other cultures


Learning SolidWorks by Richard M. Lueptow @ Rm90.00

ISBN-10: 0131409743 ISBN-13: 9780131409743
Publisher: Prentice Hall - 2003-05-24
Paperback | 2 Edition | 240 Pages

Book Information:
Updated to the latest edition of SolidWorks, this book walks the reader through techniques in modeling, assembly, and creation of working drawings, moving from basic to more advanced design techniques. Effectively using the design of a pizza cutter throughout the book for illustrative purposes, the authors have provided the means to learn SolidWorks as well as advanced solids modeling concepts. Topics covered include: the nature of solids modeling; introduction to SolidWorks; modeling parts in SolidWorks (revolves); assembly modeling; creating working drawings; plastic injection molding; and redesign. An excellent reference for industrial design engineers that incorporate SolidWorks in their projects.


How to Use Macromedia Flash MX and ActionScript by Denise Tyler @ Rm60.00

Publisher: Que - 2002-07-26
Paperback | 2 Edition | 224 Pages

Book Information:

How to Use Macromedia Flash MX and ActionScript is the simplest and most visual way to learn to create compelling Web animation. More than 100 two-page full-color spreads illustrate and clearly explain each Flash task step by step, from entry-level, beginning concepts to advanced techniques for experienced designers. The book includes expanded coverage of ActionScript so that readers can make greater use of Flash's capabilities. Flash can be a somewhat intimidating program for the beginning user, but How to Use Macromedia Flash MX and ActionScript, with its visual, step-by-step approach, makes it simple to learn the basic techniques involved in using Flash.


Encyclopedia of Technology Terms by Lowell Thing @ Rm300.00

Publisher: Que - 2001-10
Paperback | 1st Edition | 840 Pages

Book Information:'s Encyclopedia of Technology Terms
belongs on the bookshelf of anyone who's ever been tripped up by a computer acronym, curious about the origins of a technology term, or looking for the definitive guide to get them through a world laced with jargon, computer acronyms, and techno-speak. Written in plain English and organized alphabetically,'s Encyclopedia of Technology Terms gives you easy-to-understand definitions to more than 3,500 technology terms and 10,000 acronyms, covering computer hardware, software, networking, the World Wide Web and Internet, data storage, wireless telecommunications, and security. Students, writers, journalists, high-tech marketers, and computer enthusiasts alike will find's Encyclopedia of Technology Terms an indispensable and enjoyable companion in today's technology-driven world.


Easy Digital Cameras by Mark Edward Soper @ Rm40.00

Publisher: Que - 2003-11-30
Format: Paperback

Book Information:

Easy Microsoft FrontPage 2003 takes the work out of learning Microsoft FrontPage 2003 by using short, easy-to-follow lessons that show you how to accomplish basic tasks quickly and efficiently! It is the perfect book for beginners who want to learn to use FrontPage 2003 through a visual, full-color approach. More than 100 hands-on lessons are designed to teach the easiest, fastest, or most direct way to accomplish common tasks. The book is suited for new FrontPage users, as well as those upgrading from an earlier version.


Easy Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 By: Ned Snell @ Rm60.00

Publisher: Que - 2003-11-30
Paperback | illustrated edition Edition | 240 Pages

Book Information:
Easy Microsoft FrontPage 2003 takes the work out of learning Microsoft FrontPage 2003 by using short, easy-to-follow lessons that show you how to accomplish basic tasks quickly and efficiently! It is the perfect book for beginners who want to learn to use FrontPage 2003 through a visual, full-color approach. More than 100 hands-on lessons are designed to teach the easiest, fastest, or most direct way to accomplish common tasks. The book is suited for new FrontPage users, as well as those upgrading from an earlier version.


Build Your Own Smart Home (Build Your Own) By: Anthony Velte @ Rm100.00

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media - 2003-09-30
Paperback | 1 Edition | 256 Pages

Book Information:
Wow! If you've got the time and inclination, there isn't anything that cannot be automated in your home. This one-stop resource shows you step-by-step how to plan and install smart home systems using clear step-by-step instructions and illustrations. Discover projects for automating entertainment systems, home security systems, utilities and more.


Core Concepts of Information Systems Auditing James E Hunton Stephanie M Bryant @ Rm60.00

Paperback: 528 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 10 edition (March 19, 2007)

book information:
Offering concise, user-friendly coverage of core topics, this essential text provides a strong foundation for courses in Accounting Information Systems and gives instructors the flexibility they need to meet their individual course objectives. This text - now with more color! - is an excellent, stand-alone resource for a shorter course in accounting information systems, or the prefect foundation textbook for a longer in which other materials are integrated - such as computer projects, casebooks, and readings.

Newly updated and revised, this Tenth Edition has been reorganized to strengthen its flexibility as well as redesigned to promote its flexibility as well as redesigned to promote its accessibility. The reorganized chapter order moves coverage of databases to the end, which better allows for coverage at any point during the course. It also reduces systems chapters from three to one, this material is often covered in other courses.

New in the Tenth Edition
* Expanded coverage of Sarbanes-Oxley, Cobit Version 4, XBRL, and of risk and governance.
* Test yourself multiple choice questions a the end of each chapter.
* A new database chapter provides hands-on instruction in Microsoft Access.
* Updated Case-in-Point features show the business context of the text material.


Advanced Wireless Communications: 4G Technologies by Savo G. Glisic @ Rm80.00

Publisher: Wiley - 2004-06-25
Hardcover | 1 Edition | 878 Pages

Book Information:
Advanced Wireless Communications : 4G Technologies provides a comparative analysis of the 4G techniques and examines their co-existence. Due to the broad range of topic areas that it covers, it will be ideal for systems engineers that are looking to develop a sound knowledge and understanding of the direction that the technology is moving in.

This comprehensive book presents a comparative study of adaptive WCDMA, ATDMA, Multicarrier (OFDMA) and Ultra Wide Band (UWB) receiver elements. It has a special focus on the future co-existence of these systems in the evolution of 3G and the elements of the 4G like time-space-frequency coding, MIMO systems, adaptive coding, modulation and turbo equalisation. It analyses and discusses WCDMA, TDMA and other relevant 4G technologies in one coherent framework.


Monday, March 16, 2009

The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 3: Generating All Combinations and Partitions By: Donald E. Knuth @ RM50.00

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional - 2005-08-05
Paperback | 1 Edition | 160 Pages

This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science.The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published at regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or revised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete.Volume 4, Fascicle 3 This fascicle continues Knuth's authoritative chapter on combinatorial algorithms, ultimately to be included in Volume 4 of The Art of Computer Programming. The previous fascicle from Volume 4, which covered the generation of all tuples and permutations, is now complemented by techniques for generating all combinations and partitions. In Knuth's thorough discussion of these two topics, readers will find much that is new, as well as surprisingly rich ties to material in Volumes 1 through 3 and to other aspects of computer science and mathematics. As usual, this fascicle includes a bounty of creative exercises, as well as intriguing challenges posed by yet-unsolved questions.


Web Protocols and Practice: HTTP/1.1, Networking Protocols, Caching, and Traffic Measurement By: Balachander Krishnamurthy Jennifer Rexford @ RM70.00

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional - 2001-05-14
Paperback | 672 Pages

(Pearson Education) A reference to the core technologies underlying the World Wide Web, with an extensive treatment of HTTP/1.1 and its interaction with other protocols. Features numerous examples and case studies throughout, as well as comprehensive documentation of the technical backbone of the Internet. DLC: Web Servers--Computer Programs.

Carefully prepared content gets all the glory, but the job of delivering multimedia information to the people and machines who require it falls to a set of protocols. Web Protocols and Practice explains how resources locate one another on the constantly changing Internet, how they ask for other resources, and how those documents and media are delivered. This comprehensive document does more than any other book around to eliminate vague hand-waving and actually explain how the Internet works. Anyone who's heard explanations along the lines of, "The Domain Name Service resolves the machine name to an IP address" or "The browser makes a POST request" and wanted to scream "But HOW?" will love what Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jennifer Rexford have done in these pages.

The authors approach HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the other protocols covered from an engineering perspective, which is to say that they outline the problems the protocols are meant to solve before going into detail about what the protocols do. They also explain the evolution of protocols over time, and call attention to the shortcomings of protocols and their likely evolutionary paths. Nearly all of the explanatory material takes the form of bright, carefully considered text that's supplemented by message listings ("The server could reply with...") and a handful of conceptual diagrams. Later chapters transcend the protocols themselves to focus on questions of reliability, traffic measurement, and efficient caching. --David Wall

Topics covered: The protocols that underpin transactions on the Internet and other networks that employ Internet communications standards. Detailed coverage goes to the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) versions 1.0 and 1.1, the Internet Protocol addressing scheme, and the Transmission Control Protocol specification. Design of Web servers, cache servers, and proxy servers gets much attention, as do site workload and traffic metrics.


Computer Systems: Architecture, Organization, and Programming By: Arthur B. MacCabe @ RM70.00

Publisher: Irwin Professional Publishing - 1993-01
Hardcover | 568 Pages

The chief goal of this text is to familiarize students with the concepts that provide the basis for modern digital computers. It seeks a balance between an over emphasis on the details of a specific machine and the need to provide students with hands-on experience. The body of the text presents general principles; however, this presentation has been organized so that laboratory exercises, providing the necessary hands-on experience, can be easily integrated with the material in the book.


Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design By: Stephen Brown Zvonko G.@ RM80.00

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education (ISE Editions) - 2002-09
Hardcover | 864 Pages

Intended for an introductory course in digital logic design. The authors provide a balance between classical and modern design approaches. Basic concepts are introduced using simple log circuits, which are designed by using both manual techniques and modern CAD-tool-based methods.


Modern Software Development Using Java: A Text for the Second Course in Computer Science By: Paul T. Tymann G.Michael Schneider @ RM60.00

Publisher: Course Technology - 2003-03-13
Hardcover | 1 Edition | 888 Pages

Revolutionizing the CS2 course, this innovative book teaches programming concepts and techniques essential for working in a modern software development environment. This set of concepts includes the software life cycle, requirements and specification, object-oriented design and programming, exception handling, streams, user interface design, event-driven programming, threads, and networking.


ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM (4th Edition) By: William Stallings @ RM80.00

Publisher: Prentice Hall - 1998-10-25
Paperback | 4 Edition | 542 Pages

The most complete and authoritative exploration of ISDN, this book provides unrivaled coverage of ISDN, broadband ISDN (B-ISDN), Signaling System Number 7 (SS7), and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The book also presents a discussion of frame relay that incorporates the most important advances in both technology and standards in this area crucial to ISDN and private networks.


Multimedia Fundamentals, Volume 1: Media Coding and Content Processing (2nd Edition) (IMSC Press Multimedia Series) By: Ralf Steinmetz Klara @ RM50.00

Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR - 2002-01-26
Paperback | 274 Pages

Providing an overview of the most current research and development areas in multimedia, as well as current ongoing project applications, this book takes a world view of the technology, discussing developments in the U.S., the Far East, as well as Europe. Covers technical areas, such as the representation and behavior of different media, data compression with respect to multimedia, multimedia hardware, computer technology, operating system support, support of network and communication systems, characteristics of multimedia databases, multimedia documents, abstraction of multimedia programming, and current multimedia applications. For engineers, programmers, and computer scientists.


First-Year Companion Guide (2nd Edition) By: Inc. Cisco Systems Cisco Networking Academy Program Cisco Systems @ RM70.00

Publisher: Cisco Press - 2001-05-09
Hardcover | 2 Edition | 1024 Pages


The Only Authorized Textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program

  • Additional chapters, not found within the Web-based curriculum, include troubleshooting, residential networking, and more
  • Companion CD-ROM contains exclusive enrichment materials such as interactive e-Lab activities, animations, and CCNA preparation questions that prepare you for the practical portion of the CCNA exam
  • Chapter objectives provide references to the concepts covered in each chapter
  • Review questions at the end of each chapter help track your progress and focus your study
  • New Command Summary adds to your understanding of commands used to configure Cisco routers and references the chapters in which each command appears
  • Material covered in this book helps you prepare for CCNA Exam #640-507

Cisco Networking Academy Program: First-Year Companion Guide, Second Edition is the Cisco-approved textbook for the first and second semesters of the Cisco Networking Academy Program.

This book supports and reinforces the Web-based curriculum for the Cisco Networking Academy Program, while reinforcing concepts pertaining to CCNA certification. The first-year guide provides an in-depth discussion of the OSI reference model layers and path determination, in addition to the configuration details for IP routing and addressing, subnetting topics, and basic router configuration and operation.

The instructional materials for the First-Year Companion Guide follow the instructional style and format that Cisco Systems has created for the Cisco Networking Academy Program and is the only print companion that Cisco Systems reviewed and endorses for the Cisco Networking Academy Program


Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems (The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering) By: B. P. Lathi @ RM40.00

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA - 1998-03-26
Hardcover | 3 Edition | 800 Pages

Lathi's trademark user-friendly and highly readable text presents a complete and modern treatment of communication systems. It begins by introducing students to the basics of communication systems without using probabilistic theory. Only after a solid knowledge base--an understanding of how communication systems work--has been built are concepts requiring probability theory covered. This third edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to include expanded coverage of digital communications. New topics discussed include spread-spectrum systems, cellular communication systems, global positioning systems (GPS), and an entire chapter on emerging digital technologies (such as SONET, ISDN, BISDN, ATM, and video compression). Ideal for the first communication systems course for electrical engineers, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems offers students a superb pedagogical style; it consistently does an excellent job of explaining difficult concepts clearly, using prose as well as mathematics. The author makes every effort to give intuitive insights--rather than just proofs--as well as heuristic explanations of theoretical results wherever possible. Featuring lucid explanations, well-chosen examples clarifying abstract mathematical results, and excellent illustrations, this unique text is highly informative and easily accessible to students.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing by Rehg, James A. / Kraebber, Henry W. Rehg, James A. / Kraebber, Henry W. @ RM70.00

Publisher: Prentice Hall - 2004-04-09
Hardcover | 3 Edition | 592 Pages

For introductory courses in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automated Manufacturing. The third edition of Computer Integrated Manufacturing provides the most complete topic coverage available for an introductory course. The book presents CIM as an integral element of the entire manufacturing process, describing its relation to product and process design issues; computer-based process control and automation; operations and information systems for manufacturing; quality; and human considerations.


Applied Operating System Concepts, Windows XP Update by Avi Silberschatz @ RM60.00

Publisher: Wiley - 2002-05-10
Hardcover | 1 Edition | 976 Pages

Applied Operating Systems Concepts, 1/e Windows XP Update Edition is based on the best selling text Operating System Concepts, 6/e, 2001 by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne. Like OSC, Applied provides a clear description of the concepts that underlie operating systems. One of the key differences is that Java is used to present many of these ideas and included are numerous examples that pertain specifically to popular operating systems such as UNIX, Solaris 2, Windows NT, Mach, the Apple Macintosh OS, IBM's OS/2 and Linux. The 1/e Update Edition offers improved conceptual coverage, added content to bridge the gap between concepts and actual implementations and a new chapter on the newest Operating System to capture the attention of critics, consumers, and industry alike: Windows XP.

The advent of Java technology has given the authors an excellent vehicle to illustrate many of the most important concepts in modern operating systems today. Topics like multitasking, CPU scheduling, process synchronization, deadlock, security, and distributed systems lend themselves very well to demonstrations using Java technology.


The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling By: R. K. Jain @ RM70.00

Publisher: Wiley - 1991-04
Hardcover | 685 Pages

The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis "At last, a welcome and needed text for computer professionals who require practical, ready-to-apply techniques for performance analysis. Highly recommended!" -Dr. Leonard Kleinrock University of California, Los Angeles "An entirely refreshing text which has just the right mixture of theory and real world practice. The book is ideal for both classroom instruction and self-study." -Dr. Raymond L. Pickholtz President, IEEE Communications Society "An extraordinarily comprehensive treatment of both theoretical and practical issues." -Dr. Jeffrey P. Buzen Internationally recognized performance analysis expert ". it is the most thorough book available to date" -Dr. Erol Gelenbe Université René Descartes, Paris ". an extraordinary book.. A worthy addition to the bookshelf of any practicing computer or communications engineer" -Dr. Vinton G. Cer??? Chairman, ACM SIGCOMM "This is an unusual object, a textbook that one wants to sit down and peruse. The prose is clear and fluent, but more important, it is witty." -Allison Mankin The Mitre Washington Networking Center Newsletter


Architecture of Computer Hardware and Systems Software: An Information Technology Approach by Irv Englander @ RM70.00

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons - 2000-02-19
Hardcover | 2nd Edition | 784 Pages

This newly revised reference presents fundamental computer hardware, systems software, and data concepts. It provides a careful, in depth, non-engineering introduction to the inner workings of modern computer systems. The book also features the latest advances in operating system design and computer interconnection.


Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville @ Rm60.00

Publisher: Addison Wesley - 2000-08-21
Hardcover | 6 Edition | 720 Pages

Book Information:
The new edition of this best-selling book provides a comprehensive discussion of software engineering techniques and shows how they can be applied in practical software projects. This book features new coverage of the software process and software process technology, system integration, requirements management, and risk analysis, as well as new chapters on pattern-based reuse, distributed system engineering, and legacy systems. Sommerville has incorporated a more object-oriented approach in this edition?using UML and Java?and has removed much of the material on CASE, formal methods, and Ada, making the book more in tune with current technology and practice. A new discussion of professional ethics in the introduction helps to make readers aware of the responsibilities that come with engineering software. The sixth edition uses Java for all programming examples, and bases all design examples on UML notation. It includes new chapters on pattern-based reuse, distributed system engineering, and legacy systems, as well as new coverage of the software process and software process technology, system integration, requirements management, and risk analysis. This book is designed for readers needing a general introduction to software engineering (development, management, and evolution), especially with regard to system requirements engineering and critical systems.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML by Alan Dennis @ Rm60.00

Publisher: Wiley - 2001-12-28
Hardcover | I.S.ed Edition | 544 Pages

Book Information:
Jr/Sr/Grad course (one or two terms) in systems analysis and design. Core course(s) for IS majors. Most texts cover SAD using the "traditional" structured approach (Dennis: SAD). The Object-Oriented models have been growing in importance and the market itself is growing.


Photoshop 7 Down and Dirty Tricks by Scott Kelby @ Rm80.00

Publisher: New Riders Press - 2002-05-03
Paperback | 1st Edition | 304 Pages

Book Information:
Updated for the latest version of Photoshop, Photoshop 7 Down & Dirty Tricks is packed cover to cover with step-by-step tutorials on the coolest Photoshop 7 effects. The book is not another rehash of masking, pixels, and file formats or resolution--it's nothing but the cool stuff that will make your client's (or boss's) jaw drop.

Scott Kelby is both funny and generous. His wry sense of humor doesn't get in the way of the hundreds of nifty techniques in this new collection of Down & Dirty Tricks. In fact, when you first flip quickly through the book, gobbling up all the creative ideas and timesaving tips, his sly jokes only add to the I've-just-hit-the-lottery feeling.

Whatever you're looking for--type that looks distressed, made of gel, or carved in stone; shadows in perspective or in motion; text that wraps around a globe; a glinting starburst on the edge of an object; a logo artificially placed at the bottom of a pool; or a starry sky created in an instant--just about every trick is here. And most are done in 10 steps or less. Also, each page has a Quick Tip sidebar (there're over 200 of them) that are worth the price of the book alone, with everything from getting better results from your eyedropper tool (click on Options and change the Point Sample to "3 by 3 average") to the quickest way to change units of measurement (the secret is in the Info palette).

The book has been updated since the previous edition with mostly new illustrations, many new and better ways to perform the same tricks, and a few completely new ones. Project files and images can be downloaded from the book's companion Web site at Although aimed at experienced Photoshop users, the text is detailed enough for readers of all levels. For example, steps like "make a copy of that layer by dragging it to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette" or "press the letter m to switch to the Rectangular Marquee tool" are repeated in full whenever a trick calls for them. This not only helps beginners, it allows all readers to hop around the book and be able to carry out any trick in any order. Yet another reason this book could've been titled Speedy Down & Dirty Tricks. --Angelynn Grant


Data and Computer Communications (International Edition) William Stallings @ Rm70.00

Publisher: Pearson Education

Book Information:
best book at that level
I really like this book and it is my favourite among books at that level. The main competitors are Tanenbaum "Computer Networks" and Kurose&Ross "Computer Networking"; Stallings is better because if it also starts from the basics, it is technically deeper, making it a more useful long-term reference. The companion web site is very useful (and has free access unlike Kurose). Tanenbaum's book is very good too but seems dated in places now (I expect a new eidition will come out eventually).
In a nutshell, if you need only one intermediate level computer networking book, make it this one.
Very good book, but some holes
Over all a very good book, but in some areas it's very US-centric with detailed coverage of IS-95 but no mention of GSM. I also found the index hard to navigage with several attempts needed to find something as large as ADSL.
Helpful for Data Comms
I found this book really helpful during my second year of Computer Science. There were detailed explanations of the internal workings of networks, along with good diagrams.
I suggest it as a textbook, complete and updated
I adopted this book for my course. Very up-to-date and easy to understand. Very good resources online both for teaching and students, give quite a helping hand.
excellent book
It is very good book to learn how data and computer communicates. It is helping me lot with my studies. Plain English and easy to understand.


Computer Networks and Internets (4th Edition) Douglas E Comer @ Rm150.00

Publisher: Pearson Education

Book Information:
An excellent computer networking text for H.N.D. and Degree
As a lecturer of computing I cannot recommend this book highly enough as a text to aid students who are undertaking modules on Computer Networking, the Internet and the World Wide Web. Understanding the fundamentals of networking and in this global age, Inter-networking will aid the student in designing and building better web sites as well as web-based and Internet applications. This book covers it all and even introduces Distributed Systems.

As the text focusses upon the Internet, there is no real mapping of the technologies covered with the seven layer OSI model, however, this would normally be covered in lectures. With real examples and exercises, this book will take you from Web Surfer to Web developer, from networking novice to someone who understands the underlying networking technology and terminology.

There is an extensive glossary of terms and amoungst other useful appendices, a section on how to build a computer network at home.


Managing IT as a Business: A Survival Guide for CEO's by Mark D. Lutchen @ Rm70.00

Publisher: Wiley - 2003-10-13
Hardcover | 256 Pages

Book Information:
"More than a survival guide for CEOs, Managing IT as a Business provides a framework for properly leveraging IT and does so in a concise, well-sourced, and eminently readable format. This book is a must-read for all successful executives!"
?Donard P. Gaynor
Former CFO, SVP-HR, CIO, and Reengineering Leader
The Seagram Spirits and Wine Group

"Mark Lutchen offers up some important guidance to the CIO on how to bring IT into the mainstream of the business and how the CIO can make the transition from tech guru and administrator to a full member of the executive team."
?Marinus N. Henny
Vice Chairman and CFO
Universal Music Group

"Mark Lutchen thinks like an operating executive. He recognizes that IT costs are a major line item in any corporate budget and that these costs must be viewed as a means to building a business rather than an end. He knows that this happens when CEOs and CIOs communicate effectively. That?s what Managing IT as a Business is all about."
?Kenneth Roman
Former Chairman and CEO
Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide

"Lutchen?s insights are practical and actionable. In fact, CEOs and other executives traversing the IT minefield will find no more authoritative guide than Managing IT as a Business."
?Paul Turner
Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer

"Increasingly, CIOs are being asked to join the ranks of top management. In Managing IT as a Business, Mark Lutchen offers CEOs a powerful perspective on how to leverage IT as a strategic tool. For CIOs, he cogently addresses the leadership skills they need to be full and effective members of the business-strategy team."
?Glen Urban
Dean Emeritus and Chairman of the Center for eBusiness
MIT Sloan School of Management


Doing Data Analysis with SPSS 10.0 By: Robert H. Carver @ Rm70.00

Publisher: Duxbury Press - 2000-06-15
Paperback | 1 Edition | 352 Pages

Book Information:
This book is an excellent supplement to any introductory statistics course. Doing Data Analysis with SPSS 10.0 by Robert H. Carver and Jane Gradwohl Nash provides a practical and useful introduction to SPSS 10.0. It enables students to work independently to learn the software skills outside of class, while coming to understand the underlying statistical concepts and techniques.


Guide to Microsoft (Keep it Simple Guides) @ Rm50.00

Publisher: Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd - 2000-09-07
Paperback | 384 Pages

Book Information:
This guide to Microsoft Windows covers how to set up, get started and get working, and how to master word processing, spreadsheets and digital photography.


New Perspectives on Computer Concepts, 10th Edition, Comprehensive by June Jamrich Parsons @ Rm50.00

Publisher: Course Technology - 2007-02-22
Paperback | 10 Edition | 848 Pages

Book Information:
Be engaged, excited and enlightened with New Perspectives on Computer Concepts, Tenth Edition. This book has been completely updated to provide you with the latest, most in-depth information on both computer concepts and the context in which they fit into today?s world. The Tenth Edition provides the most current information on computers, software, the Internet, and emerging issues and technologies. It's unique approach transforms learning concepts into a more approachable, hands-on experience that appeals to anyone, from the computer novice to the computer savvy learner.


Annual Editions: Computers in Education 04/05 By: John Hirschbuhl @ Rm50.00

Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin - 2003-09-22
Paperback | 11 Edition | 240 Pages

Book Information:
This annually updated edition of Computers in Education is a compilation of carefully selected articles from the public press. It addressing the use of computers and the increasingly important roles they play in our lives. Within the pages of this volume are current, interesting, well-illustrated articles authored by knowledgeable educators, researchers, scientists, and writers, providing the latest information on the application of computer technology in our nation's schools. This title is supported by the student web site, dushkin online (


Adobe Creative Suite Keyboard Shortcuts by Guy Hart-Davis @ Rm50.00

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media - 2004-04-15
Paperback | 1 Edition | 160 Pages

Book Information:
This portable how-to guide provides you with that quick on-the-job tutorial that will save you time, simplify your keystrokes, and reduce mouse stress, leading to increased efficiency while working in the entire Adobe Creative Suite including Acrobat, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Author, Hart-Davis, not only guides you through inbuilt keyboard shortcuts, but also teaches how to customize shortcuts using custom utilities.


Dictionary of the Internet: Book and CD-ROM [With CDROM] By: Darrel Ince D. Ince @ Rm40.00

Publisher: Oxford University Press - 2001-10
Hardcover | 560 Pages

Book Information:
This dictionary of the Internet provides 4000 terms on the Web, software technology, jargon, e-commerce, security, and the technical and organizational infrastructure of the Internet. By concentrating on the Internet and its structure, the reference work does not cover basic computing terms. A free CD-ROM included with the book contains the full dictionary entries in a browsable format with hyperlinks between entries. There are also links to relevant websites. The dictionary is supported by a separate web site where updates for downloading are posted. Sample entries from the text are also be displayed.

On the Internet, nobody knows you're using reference books. Darrel Ince's Dictionary of the Internet will guide readers through the twisty passages of current jargon, slang, and technical terms with aplomb. The dictionary is thorough--over 4,000 entries cover commercial, recreational, and propeller-head (geek) language.Acknowledging the weakness of ink-and-paper references in the digital age, the book comes with a CD-ROM containing all of the text, linked and ready for Web updates. "Checksum," "gossip architecture," and "Zen mail" all find homes here, and the appendices explaining Internet country codes, common emoticons, and standard chat abbreviations will be welcome by any networked computer. The information is scalable--newbies should get as much out of it as hardcore nerds, and the excellent cross-referencing makes it perfect for bootstrapping self-learners. --Rob Lightner


World War 3.0: Microsoft Vs. the U.S. Government, and the Battle to Rule the Digital Age By: Ken Auletta @ Rm60.00

Publisher: Broadway - 2002-04-23
Paperback | 480 Pages

Book Information:
The Internet Revolution, like all great industrial changes, has made the world's elephantine media companies tremble that their competitors-whether small and nimble mice or fellow elephants-will get to new terrain first and seize its commanding heights. In a climate in which fear and insecurity are considered healthy emotions, corporate violence becomes commonplace. In the blink of an eye-or the time it has taken slogans such as "The Internet changes everything" to go from hyperbole to banality-"creative destruction" has wracked the global economy on an epic scale.

No one has been more powerful or felt more fear or reacted more violently than Bill Gates and Microsoft. Afraid that any number of competitors might outflank them-whether Netscape or Sony or AOL Time Warner or Sun or AT&T or Linux-based companies that champion the open-source movement or some college student hacking in his dorm room-Microsoft has waged holy war on all foes, leveraging its imposing strengths.

In World War 3.0, Ken Auletta chronicles this fierce conflict from the vantage of its most important theater of operations: the devastating second front opened up against Bill Gates's empire by the United States government. The book's narrative spine is United States v. Microsoft, the government's massive civil suit against Microsoft for allegedly stifling competition and innovation on a broad scale. With his superb writerly gifts and extraordinary access to all the principal parties, Ken Auletta crafts this landmark confrontation into a tight, character- and incident-filled courtroom drama featuring the best legal minds of our time, including David Boies and Judge Richard Posner. And with the wisdom gleaned from covering the converging media, software, and communications industries for The New Yorker for the better part of a decade, Auletta uses this pivotal battle to shape a magisterial reckoning with the larger war and the agendas, personalities, and prospects of its many combatants.


Dictionary of the Internet (Oxford Paperback Reference) By: Darrel Ince @ Rm40.00

Publisher: Oxford University Press - 2003-08
Hardcover | 2nd Edition | 261 Pages

Book Information:
Who is a typo pirate? Are they related to fat clients? And what is shovelware? The rapid rise of the Internet has changed our language. This dictionary allows you to keep up with those changes by concentrating in-depth on Internet terminology. Featuring over 3,600 jargon-free entries, from the thousands of new abbreviations, technical terms, and user-jargon to terms associated with e commerce, security, and the use of the Internet for business purposes. Useful appendices include country codes, popular emoticons, and popular chat room and email abbreviations. This reference book will prove invaluable to anybody working with information technology from the general Internet user to employees in the industry.

On the Internet, nobody knows you're using reference books. Darrel Ince's Dictionary of the Internet will guide readers through the twisty passages of current jargon, slang, and technical terms with aplomb. The dictionary is thorough--over 4,000 entries cover commercial, recreational, and propeller-head (geek) language.Acknowledging the weakness of ink-and-paper references in the digital age, the book comes with a CD-ROM containing all of the text, linked and ready for Web updates. "Checksum," "gossip architecture," and "Zen mail" all find homes here, and the appendices explaining Internet country codes, common emoticons, and standard chat abbreviations will be welcome by any networked computer. The information is scalable--newbies should get as much out of it as hardcore nerds, and the excellent cross-referencing makes it perfect for bootstrapping self-learners. --Rob Lightner


Ultimate Guide to the Internet for the Christian Family by Barbour Bargain Books @ Rm40.00

Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Incorporated - 2000-05-01
Paperback | 448 Pages

Book Information:
Here is a 448-page directory of informative, interesting, and safe web sites, arranged by topic. All listings include the web address; many include brief descriptions. Interesting Internet-related information and trivia rounds out this fantastic resource for the family.


Computers Ltd: What They Really Can't Do by David Harel @ Rm40.00

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA - 2003-12-11
Paperback | 240 Pages

Book Information:
The computer has been hailed as the greatest innovation of the 20th century, and there is no denying that these technological marvels have dramatically changed our everyday lives. They can fly airplanes and spaceships, route millions of phone calls simultaneously, and play chess with the world's greatest players. But how limitless is the future for the computer? Will computers one day be truly intelligent, make medical diagnoses, run companies, compose music, and fall in love? In Computers Ltd., David Harel, the best-selling author of Algorithmics, illuminates one of the most fundamental yet under-reported facets of computers--their inherent limitations. Looking only at the bad news that is proven, discussing limitations that no amounts of hardware, software, talent, or resources can overcome, the book presents a disturbing and provocative view of computing at the start of the 21st century. Harel takes us on a fascinating tour that touches on everything from tiling problems and monkey puzzles to Monte Carlo algorithms and quantum computing, showing just how far from perfect computers are, while shattering some of the many claims made for these machines. He concludes that though we may strive for bigger and better things in computing, we need to be realistic: computers are not omnipotent--far from it. Their limits are real and here to stay. Based on hard facts, mathematically proven and indisputable, Computers Ltd. offers a vividly written and often amusing look at the shape of the future.


Chat Freak by Terry Brown @ Rm30.00

Publisher: Thomas Nelson - 2000-09-05
Paperback | 144 Pages

Book Information:

Meet Morgan

Morgan Cross is out-of-line online! Always caring and helpful, Morgan hits every site that claims to stop hunger and house the poor. Not only does she neglect her home responsibilities and her cyberpals, Morgan becomes increasingly sad over all the world's injustices.

Her friends try to show her Christ is the only one to carry all the world's burdens, she's just required to do her part. Morgan finds power and strength in Jesus' love and decides He is the God worth committing to and follow.


The Perfect Store: Inside eBay By: Adam Cohen @ Rm60.00

Publisher: Piatkus Books - 2003-05-29
Paperback | 320 Pages

Book Information:
Ebay ( is the single most visited commercial site on the internet - and one of the most successful. The Perfect Store tells the story of eBay's humble beginnings, launched from a spare bedroom in Pierre Omidyar's house, to its current status today - with 1,664,000 visitors a day, 20 million registered users and 75,000 people relying on eBay for their income. eBay started as a way to help Omidyar's fiancee trade with other collectors. It turned a profit in its first month and went on to change the face of business, creating the 'perfect market'. - Reveals details of the company's rapid rise and the fascinating impact it has had on its users through the virtual marketplace. - Examines the range of customers, from the woman who wakes at 3.00am to bid on a toaster, to the woman who had to rent a warehouse for her thriving business selling bubble-wrap. - Reveals why eBay has succeeded when so many dot-coms have failed. - Provides essential reading for those trying to understand how the Web is changing business, and for those trying to anticipate the next big thing.

In the short but wild history of the Internet, few companies have developed such an ideal approach to utilizing the uniqueness of the medium for business as eBay--hence the title of Adam Cohen's colorful and insightful corporate biography The Perfect Store. Cohen, chief technology writer for Time magazine before joining The New York Times' editorial board, is the only journalist to receive complete cooperation from the company for such a project, and the combination of access and experience leads to a well-researched and well-written tale capturing the essence of this online auction-house phenomenon. In the process, Cohen reveals how the pioneering site first developed into a vibrant virtual community, then a cultural icon and a model for Web-based commerce that reported revenue of $749 million in 2001. From its beginnings as a hobby site on a Silicon Valley PC, to its maturation as a real company under the burgeoning fiscal pressures of cyberspace, to its present status as one of the few original e-business practitioners to survive the implosion, eBay has always been part of the crowd while managing to stand out from it. Cohen helps us understand why by taking us inside the heads of major players like Pierre Omidyar, the cofounder who imbued his site with a Libertarian philosophy responsible for its heart and soul, and Meg Whitman, the seasoned manager who brought business savvy and a Harvard MBA to its roller-coaster world. What helps make the book so readable and informative, though, are Cohen's accompanying observations of the many other people and events that also helped eBay develop its trademark direction and characteristic personality: the company that formulated its distinctive logo, the Kansas City clothing-iron collectors whose pastime was transformed by the upstart Web site, the quirky listings that generated controversy (and publicity) like the one in 1999 for a "fully functional kidney," even detractors who decry its big-business underpinnings. Fans of the site, along with students of the online world in general, will find Cohen's account both instructive and enjoyable. --Howard Rothman


Information Technology (Essential Managers) By: Steve Sleight @ Rm30.00

Publisher: Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd - 2000-08-24
Paperback | 72 Pages

Book Information:
A reference book on information technology for those in, or aspiring to a position of responsibility, with a focus on developing and enhancing professional management practice. Illustrated examples, charts and flow diagrams reveal practical techniques for handling real-life situations.

By: Miguel

Rough Guide to Internet: All You Need to Know, from Broadband to Blogs by Peter Buckley @ Rm40.00

Publisher: Rough Guides - 2004-11-01
Paperback | 10th Edition | 560 Pages

Book Information:
10 years, 10 editions: the multi-million-selling Internet book has come of age and is still the ultimate handbook for novices and experts alike. Written in plain English, it covers everything from getting online for the first time to advanced tips and tricks guaranteed to turn casual surfers into Net gurus. Whether you?ve never sent an email or you want to keep up with the latest developments, you need this book.
