Sunday, March 8, 2009

Data and Computer Communications (International Edition) Author: William Stallings @ Rm80.00

  1. Paperback: 864 pages
  2. Publisher: Pearson Education; 7 edition (12 Jun 2003)
  3. Language English

Book Information:

best book at that level
I really like this book and it is my favourite among books at that level. The main competitors are Tanenbaum "Computer Networks" and Kurose&Ross "Computer Networking"; Stallings is better because if it also starts from the basics, it is technically deeper, making it a more useful long-term reference. The companion web site is very useful (and has free access unlike Kurose). Tanenbaum's book is very good too but seems dated in places now (I expect a new eidition will come out eventually).
In a nutshell, if you need only one intermediate level computer networking book, make it this one.
Very good book, but some holes
Over all a very good book, but in some areas it's very US-centric with detailed coverage of IS-95 but no mention of GSM. I also found the index hard to navigage with several attempts needed to find something as large as ADSL.
Helpful for Data Comms
I found this book really helpful during my second year of Computer Science. There were detailed explanations of the internal workings of networks, along with good diagrams.
I suggest it as a textbook, complete and updated
I adopted this book for my course. Very up-to-date and easy to understand. Very good resources online both for teaching and students, give quite a helping hand.
excellent book
It is very good book to learn how data and computer communicates. It is helping me lot with my studies. Plain English and easy to understand.


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